They are freeware and may be freely copied and distributed, but not altered. They must be distributed as a single package, including this file and the four files mentioned below.
Along with this “ReadMe”, you should have obtained the following files:
* Infinity Quest Demo
* Boot Camp
* Argonn's First Quest
* IQ Demo Manual
“Infinity Quest Demo” is a demo version of the “Infinity Quest” program. It plays exactly the same way, with two exceptions:
- It does not use sounds.
- It cannot open any game files except “Boot Camp” and “Argonn's First Quest”.
“Boot Camp” and “Argonn's First Quest” are game files. When you try out the game, start with “Boot Camp”, which introduces the various elements gradually.
“IQ Demo Manual” is a file in MacWrite 4.5 format, which is readable by all word processing programs.
If you find you enjoy this game, you may purchase the full-featured version. This version includes the following:
* “Infinity Quest”, the game-playing application, with nearly 450K of sounds.
* Four adventures, for a total of 60 levels.
* “Infinity Editor”, a full graphical editor for game files, which allows you to create your own adventures, or modify existing ones.
* Complete manuals for both Infinity Quest and the Infinity Editor.
Infinity Quest requires
- Mac Plus or better
- System 6.0.3 or better (6.0.7 or better preferred)
- Two 800K drives or better (hard disk preferred)*
The game may be ordered from
Yves Meynard
3194, Sagard Terrace
Longueuil, Québec
J4L 3J9
Price in Canada only : 20$ Canadian (includes GST, PST, P&H)
Price in the United States : 20$ US (includes P&H)
Check or money-order only, please.
* The entire Infinity Quest package uses up approximately 850K of disk space. It normally comes on a single diskette as a compressed self-extracting archive; if you do NOT have a hard drive, you must order Infinity Quest uncompressed on two disks. There is a surcharge of $2.50 in this case to cover additional costs.